Streamlining the patent searching process with automated IP search. You can move quickly to protect and market your developing invention by using key IP analytics to ascertain its full technical and commercial potential. In the past, this workflow used to be much easier to say than to actually implement. Just a few decades ago, evaluation-stage research could take months or even years. Predicting IP metrics like the likelihood of commercialization or patenting, potential ROI, financial needs, and the kind of IP protection to seek was unreasonably time-consuming.

Fortunately, improvements in database searching using Boolean search allowed for the filtering out of unnecessary data and significantly accelerated this process. The ROI was dramatically increased by the cost-effectiveness of improved search, which helped generate more, higher-quality ideas. However, there was still a vast amount of data that needed to be analyzed, even for the IP stakeholders who were truly skilled at Boolean searching, many of whom were outside the innovating organization. 

Researching Your Idea Using Database Search 

The next step after deciding to pursue a particular idea, writing an invention disclosure, performing preliminary patentability searches, and performing landscape analysis is to look into market viability. This stage of the innovation workflow, which goes by the name of “Evaluation Stage,” is conducted from a multidisciplinary viewpoint. Data from the legal, commercial, and technical realms should all be considered. You need to examine and analyze the function that your technology will serve in the market. Along with its potential for monetization and potential rivals, when evaluating an idea. These will aid in deciding what IP protections to seek and the likelihood that your technology will be successful.

Idea Evaluation with XLSCOUT’s Ideacue

XLSCOUT’s Ideacue includes an Idea Dashboard. The easy-to-use dashboard helps you with idea evaluation, brainstorming, and improving idea quality. It provides numerous other insights while significantly increasing the efficiency of research and development. The dashboard assists inventors in quickly assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their ideas in a few simple steps. It gives a qualitative indication of the strength of an idea. Subsequently, using the indicator, inventors can determine whether or not their idea is ready to move forward. Or whether it requires more brainstorming or iterations.

Idea Strength
Fig 1.1: Idea Strength – Idea Dashboard, source:

Automated IP search workflows will help you find answers to questions about idea novelty, legal risks, etc.

Know the Evolution of Search Technology 

Semantic searches, which have been around since the 1990s and the early 2000s, attempted to address the fundamental problem that Boolean searches are not accessible to everyone. However, in order to use Boolean logic effectively, one needs to understand how it operates. In order to determine the semantic meaning and search intent, search engines like Google developed database search systems that not only used keywords but also examined how they were used within phrases. Eventually, search companies gathered enough information to begin establishing relationships between words and phrases. This enabled computers to conceptually connect various keywords. Keywords became the standard for search and search engines. 

XLSCOUT’s natural language processing (NLP) tools use cutting-edge technology to link searchers to all pertinent data points, resulting in search results that are quick, thorough, and useful. Our AI-driven Novelty Checker patent search tool finds conceptually related technologies that Boolean searchers and users of less advanced NLP capabilities frequently miss. 

NLP programs don’t automatically work with every search use case, as is the case with many AI applications. XLSCOUT’s AI-enhanced search trains and optimizes with the most recent IP data sets to address issues unique to the IP Sector.

Automated IP Search Applications 

A variety of IP stakeholders can use Novelty Checker. A search platform that delivers quality quickly and easily can help universities, businesses, and consulting firms all at once. 

XLSCOUT does more than just quickly search through millions of database records. Additionally, it combines the advantages of traditional Boolean search with NLP. Even though innovation companies have access to products like AI-powered semantic search, combining both types of searches is still necessary to get the whole picture. 

For ground-breaking results, XLSCOUT’s Novelty Checker combines powerfully integrated Boolean and NLP searching. These tools allow users to save one to two hours per search. 

Our Methodology

XLSCOUT put the use of reinforcement learning to its AI-based Novelty Checker (patent searching tool) to get quality patent research reports in just 5 minutes. The Novelty Checker uses reinforcement learning to filter the noise by showing the relevant results on top of the list. To be precise, it assists in conducting patentability search to help you ensure that your innovation is unique. By selecting a few relevant and non-relevant results, users can apply them to the result set. The system takes the user’s feedback and then learns from it. It uses conceptual searching and re-ranks the results by bringing the quality results to the top and sending the noise to the bottom.    

Without reinforcement learning, users go through hundreds of results manually. By applying this process, users can skip going through the non-relevant results. Users can apply reinforcement multiple times to a result set according to their different requirements/criteria. Users can then view the Top-10 or Top-20 results for each criterion to perform a prior-art analysis for idea validation. Users can quickly generate an automated novelty report by selecting these Top-10 or 20 results. 

Why stay behind? Learn more today! Get in touch with us.

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