• last updated : 27 October, 2023

XLSCOUT’s Founder Jitin Talwar Honored as a Top 300 IP Strategist by IAM 2023

Category: Press Release
Jitin Talwar Recognized as World's Top 300 IP Strategists

XLSCOUT is delighted to share that its founder, Mr. Jitin Talwar, has once again been recognized as one of the World’s Top 300 IP Strategists by Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) Magazine for its 2023 edition.

IAM Magazine’s annual selection of the World’s Top IP Strategists is a highly coveted accolade within the intellectual property industry. It recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional expertise, innovation, and leadership in the field of intellectual property strategy and management.

Jitin Talwar’s inclusion in this esteemed list reaffirms his remarkable contributions to the IP landscape. As the Founder of XLSCOUT, Jitin has been at the forefront of shaping the company’s vision and strategy, driving its commitment to excellence in IP services.

About IAM 300

The IAM Strategy 300 Global Leaders are drawn from the worlds of private practice, consulting, and other service providers, as well as specialists from North America, Europe, and Asia’s major IP markets. They have significant experience in IP-intensive industries such as high-tech and life sciences.