XLSCOUT’s New Version is here! The latest version update incorporates some new features as well as some improvements to the previous version. We have tried to integrate the feedback given to us by our valuable customers to make the tool more valuable for everyone. Here are some of the highlights:

New Novelty Checker App 

We have added an all-new and much-improved version of Novelty Checker on the platform, enabled with “Reinforcement Learning” to get a quality prior-art search report quickly. Here is what is new in Novelty Checker:

  • 10-min Patentability Report – Get a quick automated novelty report with AI-based Key Feature mapping
  • Noise Filtering using Reinforcement – Pull the relevant results on top by providing feedback to the system using Reinforcement Learning. The system learns from user feedback and re-ranks the results
  • Better Context Capturing – Using the improved corpus & new ML (Machine Learning) model trained extensively on patent data, the domain agnostic system captures the context of the idea to identify quality & comprehensive prior-art
  • Integrated Innovation – Insights from technology/company dashboards help in understanding the technological evolution and top problems related to your idea which would further be helpful in expanding the scope of your idea & filing better quality patent applications

Automated Landscape Reports 

In this version update, Technology and Company Intelligence dashboards are now available with the new “Generate PDF Report” option. Users can download ready-to-use reports for their technology or company intelligence analysis with just a single click.

Customized Export 

Added a Custom Export option for users where they can export data with custom fields as well as customize the selection of the number of records to be exported as per the requirement. They can also create export templates and can save them for future use.

Improved XLSCOUT Corpus

An improved version of the XLSCOUT Corpus has been provided in this version. With improvements in the training model and training dataset, more keywords are now available in Corpus and the accuracy of the keyword suggestions is also enhanced. Hence, More & Better Keywords!

Company Comparison from Techscaper 

Competitive Intelligence analysis is now easily possible on your technology dataset. Users can now compare companies in technology directly from the Technology Intelligence Dashboard. Just select the companies and then you can view the competitive dashboard within seconds.

New Data Points Added:

  • Litigation Data 

Added an option for the users to search Litigation data. Users can now view, filter & export the Plaintiff & Defendant information on XLSCOUT

  • Applicant & Inventor Country data 

Added an option for the users to search Applicant and Inventor Country data. Users can now view, filter & export the Applicant and Inventor Country data on XLSCOUT.


To learn more about the new features, click here.

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