Once the patent landscape analysis is complete, it is imperative to compare the trends after some time. The technology landscape keeps on changing ever so frequently. With new disruptions in technology, everything changes. Hence, it is important to keep on comparing the trends after a period, like every 2 or 5 years, to understand the progress and advancement in the technology area.
Without comparing trends over time, R&D teams won’t be able to comprehend the underlying trends, activities, and events that constitute today’s constantly evolving market & how your competitor has already responded to them or intends to do so.
With AI-based patent landscape tools, it is ever so easier now to compare and analyze technology trends over time. XLSCOUT’s interactive dashboard allows you to easily view the latest trends in technology. It provides you with full access to the dashboards where you can view and compare the latest trends in a particular technology and identify the changes in competitor strategies. With just a few clicks, it creates a patent landscape report tailored to your needs.