An SOC 2 Type II certified , AI super intelligence platform for innovation and IP: From prior-art searches and AI-assisted ideation to drafting high-quality patents and monetizing innovation!
An SOC 2 Type II certified , AI super intelligence platform for innovation and IP: From prior-art searches and AI-assisted ideation to drafting high-quality patents and monetizing innovation!

Technology Landscapes in

Automatically Analyze Technology Data with Ease!

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Landscapes in 4 Simple Steps:

Add technology area you want to explore

Set taxonomy with the help of machine suggestions

View interactive dashboard to track technology trends

Modify with trained taxonomy options

Techscaper provides quick actionable insights by diving into the world’s largest technology data library to give you a comprehensive overview of current trends and future outlook of technology through your technology lens.

We provide expert curated taxonomy options combined with data training models to get a focused competitive intelligence dashboard.

Techscaper Benefits

  • Fast and Easy to Use

  • 360° Analysis with both patent and publication data.

  • Incorporates your Vision in Analysis

  • Analyzes 200K documents in 2 seconds

Why Techscaper?

  • To make analyzing large amounts of technology easy and resource efficient
  • To get a quick bird’s-eye view and trend analysis without a deep dive
  • Easy to set Taxonomy template
  • It can automatically categorize and analyze data without any hassle
  • Created to automate sorting, tagging and classifying technology documents to your view of the world.
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