Join XLSCOUT at the IP Counsel Café: Annual Meeting 2024 at Crowne Plaza, Palo Alto, on May 7, 2024.





Missouri, U.S.A.


How to accelerate innovation in his organization?

Great Efficiency
Better Quality IP
More Filing
Improved Brainstroming

About Nilesh:

Nilesh is a multifaceted professional with diverse experience of 21+ years working in R&D, New Product Development, Quality, Sales, Innovation Management & Intellectual Property teams at a fortune 500 multinational company with focus on technology transfer. He is specialized in making innovation happen at engineering organizations by fostering Innovation culture. 1200+ patents got filed for inventions by Indian inventors with in-house innovation & IP programs developed by Nilesh. He makes innovation happen!

“Enhancing patent portfolio becomes very fast using this tool. It (XLSCOUT) also helps in brainstorming, accelerating ideas plus quality of IP can be improved with this.”


Sr Manager-Innovation & IP, Emerson

How is he leveraging XLSCOUT in his organization?

XLSCOUT has enabled him to democratize and expedite innovation in his organization by providing access to XLSCOUT Novelty Checker and Ideacue for all members of their various R&D teams.

According to Nilesh, the process begins with Novelty Checker, where the inventors input the features of their ideas, and the tool promptly provides them with closely related patents and non-patent literature within just five minutes. Since the tool is being utilized by all their inventors, it aids in demystifying the process for them. The use of Novelty Checker allows inventors to evaluate the novelty of their invention, thereby avoiding wasting time and resources on patent applications that are unlikely to be granted. Additionally, it assists in identifying potential obstacles to obtaining a patent, enabling informed decisions on whether to proceed with the invention and how to modify it to improve its patentability, ultimately leading to filing high-quality IP.


Nilesh further explains that the Novelty Checker tool goes one step ahead with Ideacue, a Generative AI-based ideation tool that enables inventors to generate and refine ideas with the greatest potential at the beginning of the process. The Ideacue tool leverages large language models to suggest new and innovative ideas to inventors, thus helping them explore different innovation pathways, some of which they may not have thought on their own. Ideacue has made the brainstorming process more efficient for their teams, transforming inventors into super inventors capable of improving their ideas and adding new embodiments in less time using XLSCOUT Ideacue and Novelty Checker.

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