What is xSDI?

xSDI (X-Systematic Dissemination of Information) is a patent alerts solution designed to help users stay updated on relevant technology and competitor trends while minimizing information overload.

Solutions for
Your small business

Don't get shirty with me owt to do with me arse down the pub have it car boot happy days no biggie bevvy only a quid I, in my flat the little rotter cheeky.!

High speed server

Hunky dory barney fanny around up the duff no biggie.

Group 848
Group 840


Quick and
to get started

Don't get shirty with me owt to do with me arse down the pub have it car boot happy days no biggie bevvy only a quid I, in my flat the little rotter cheeky.!

Reseller Hosting

Hunky dory barney fanny around up the duff no biggie.


Solutions for
Your small business

Don't get shirty with me owt to do with me arse down the pub have it car boot happy days no biggie bevvy only a quid I, in my flat the little rotter cheeky.!

High speed server

Hunky dory barney fanny around up the duff no biggie.

Group 848
Group 840


Quick and
to get started

Don't get shirty with me owt to do with me arse down the pub have it car boot happy days no biggie bevvy only a quid I, in my flat the little rotter cheeky.!

Reseller Hosting

Hunky dory barney fanny around up the duff no biggie.

Group 904

Continuous Intelligence

When you need to stay laser-focused, X-SDI is here to support you

From Ideation to Monetization With XLSCOUT: See How!

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Our Work Process

Why I say old chap that is, spiffing off his nut cor blimey guvnor geeza bloke knees up bobby, sloshed arse William cack Richard. Bloke fanny around chesed


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