1. Edit Query from History within Expert Patent Search
Editing a query is not a headache anymore! Users can now easily modify the query in ‘Expert Patent Search’ by using the edit button from History.
2. Export Taxonomy Labels
The wait for exporting the manual taxonomy labels is over! The new options allow you to export manual taxonomy labels along with other data fields in an Excel file from Export.
3. Default Space Operator in Searches
Advanced freehand to the user within default Search Settings!
Users can now change the behavior of space between two keywords by selecting the default functioning of space from AND (Logical Operator) to PRE0 (Proximity Operator) from Search Settings. This feature is now available in Techscaper, Company Explorer & Expert Patent Search.
4. Assignee Clusters – More Reliable & User-friendly
a) All the subsidiaries will be shown to the users. Subsidiaries that do not own any patents would appear disabled by default
b) Users will now be able to search in the corporate subsidiary list
c) Selecting the parent company will automatically select all subsidiaries
5. Literature Tab in Novelty Checker
A new dedicated tab in NPL created specifically to provide novelty search results in relation to various research paper journals. To help visitors quickly browse generated results, this tab includes a number of filtering and sorting options.
Minor Updates
1. Publication Number Validation
Users now have an option to validate the publication number format. When you search publication numbers within XLSCOUT, we apply our publication number validation approach to search for possible variations in publication number formats.
2. SEP (Standard Essential Patents) Table on Patent Reading Page
SEP details have now been added to the Patent reading page. Users can now view the standard document number (e.g., TS 26.234), version details (e.g., version 12.1.0), and the illustrative parts (e.g., section: of the standards corresponding to the declared SEP patents.
3. Novelty Checker - Key Feature Sorting Option
Users can now sort their Novelty search results with respect to specific Key Features.
XLSCOUT engineered data with best-in-class Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to develop the most accurate, comprehensive, and intelligent patent & research publication database. Using Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and Innovation/Scientific Principles, XLSCOUT gives you more time and reliable insights to confidently make data-driven strategic decisions
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