Major Updates in ClaimChart LLM

Experience the All-New Look and Features!

Check out the user manual of new version – Here

1. Introducing Supervised Search

Users now will be able to supervise their search. The supervise option allows user to:

In Supervise Search, the User now has the power to modify Key Features/Claim Elements as per their Desire, the user can Edit or Delete or even add a new feature.

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b. Choose Potential Targets beforehand in real-time:

Leveraging the Supervise Search Mode, User can view the Potential Target List in Real Time, from which the user can select any 3 Targets of their choice for Product Listing. In case Input Patent is Litigated, the system is efficient enough that it will enlist defendants.

I. User can not Just View but Also Add target companies of their choice.

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II. User also has the option to regenerate the Potential Target List in case the fetched list is not satisfactory.

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Once the User Proceeds with the Chosen Target Companies, the System presents the list of products corresponding to the selected target companies which align with the claim/text of the input patent

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2. Introduction of History:

• Users can now access the logs of all their searches, including all the prior and current in-progress searches. The History Page will help user stay updated in case of in-progress cases.

• For Supervised Search, Users will be able to access the Potential Target List and Updates about Claim Chart Report Generation in both Supervise and Un-supervise Searches will be displayed here. Apart from this Users can also Re-run or Delete any case as per their choice. 

a. Supervise Target Company Option will be in-accessible until the system identifies the Potential Target List

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b. In Case of Usual Search, if the user adds product or excludes a company or just adds a company, all the details about the input are displayed

c. In Case of Usual Search, if the user adds product or excludes a company or just adds a company, all the details about the input are displayed

d. History Page lets the user delete or re-run any desired Prior case

Minor Updates in ClaimChart LLM

1. CLAIM SELECTION: The User can proceed with the text of choice as well, as user clicks on Enter Other Relevant Text, a text box wherein the user can enter the text and click on proceed to move forward with the fetching of Target Company

2. POTENTIAL TARGET MAIL: Once the Systems completes the fetching of Potential Targets in Supervise Search, the user is informed about it via mail, which has a Clickable Option which further redirects the user to the Potential Target List.


3. Waiting Window: Now, the Waiting Window Provides User with Multiple Options

a. To Revisit the Potential Target List and Proceed with Different Competitors this time.

b. To Directly take to the Starting Window to get started with a new case

c. To Proceed to the History Page



XLSCOUT, an Integrated Innovation & Patent Monetization platform, is at the forefront of the global innovation and IP industry, harnessing the potential of advanced Al technologies like Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Al for idea validation, optimizing ideation, creating high-value patents, and monetizing innovation.

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